

Basically just as the rest of my marine animals and fish series depicts on exploitation in animal trade, Commodified is an overall view on the exploitation of animals by the animal agribusiness. I was rooting for a more symbolic approach but decided to keep the figures in the middle ground and add a little bit more clarity to my own interpretation.

The exploitation of marine animals not only endangers their lives but also their home. The Earth is on the brink of mass extinction and it is imperative that we double our efforts to bring awareness and make daily changes to help save our ocean and its inhabitants.  

Lila Marquez

Lila Marquez is a Filipino writer and artist. Also known as Armineonila M., she has written for various newspapers, magazines and journals. Her articles, poems, short stories, digital paintings and comic strips have also been published in several publications in the Philippines, Kuwait and abroad. Lila's artworks and art series have been displayed in art exhibitions in the USA, the UK, China and Germany.

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Hope for the Animals
