Scribble Art: Bata (Child) by Lila Marquez (Video)

"Bata" (Child) is a reflection of my childhood. I was hoping to capture a moment in time that had gone by to become a snippet, a flashback, a déjà vu. It's always a fun moment when you play back those times when your world was all innocent. It's like a walk in the park. A particular instance almost always takes me back to that actual spot when I was in the rice field, spying on a dragonfly. I'd be smiling non-stop while I put it on repeat inside my head. Below is the timelapse video. You can also watch it by clicking here.

Lila Marquez

Lila Marquez is a Filipino writer and artist. Also known as Armineonila M., she has written for various newspapers, magazines and journals. Her articles, poems, short stories, digital paintings and comic strips have also been published in several publications in the Philippines, Kuwait and abroad. Lila's artworks and art series have been displayed in art exhibitions in the USA, the UK, China and Germany.

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